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The DR-420 and TN450 we remanufacture for the Brother MFC-7360N OEM quality documents and give peace of mind knowing you just reduced your printing cost.

We add extra toner in the Brother TN-450 cartridge so you can print up to 3,000 pages. You can also
configure you Brother MFC 7360N printer to "Continue" mode so that the printer does not stop printing when it thinks it is out of toner. "Continue" mode will help you use all the toner in the cartridge until you see the light print on the page.

And for the Brother DR420 drum? If your printouts are clean, you can
reset your Brother Printer MFC 7360N drum counter to 100%. You can get more life out of your drum before changing it after the "replace drum" warning shows up, but eventually, the pages will get dirty.

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Brother DR-420 Drum Refill Brother DR-420 Drum Refill

Brother DR-420 Drum page yield is 12,000 pages

List Price: $109.99
You Pay: $38.28
You save $71.71!
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